Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Fed: Turnbull launches stinging rebuke against Abbott

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Turnbull launches stinging rebuke against Abbott

MALCOLM TURNBULL says any coalition climate policy under TONY ABBOTT'S leadership will be a con.

And in a stinging attack on the new Opposition leader .. he's vowed to cross the floor
to support Labor's emissions trading scheme when it's reintroduced to parliament early
next year.

The latest Newspoll suggests Mr ABBOTT has greater appeal than his predecessor .. but
that hasn't stopped Mr TURNBULL from letting rip on his blog.

Mr TURNBULL disputes Mr ABBOTT's pledge to find cheaper ways than an ETS to reduce
emissions .. saying it'll all cost money .. and it's bullshit to say otherwise.

He says any coalition climate policy will be an environmental figleaf to cover a determination
to do nothing.

AAP RTV so/jmt


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