Saturday, February 25, 2012



Paralyzed by too much information

Easy access to information is not making us any smarter and is polarizing our political discourse, says Philip Meyer in USA Today. Media consumers choose those sources they agree with and ignore the rest, leaving little common ground for dialogue, says Meyer.


Broadband for all is not sensible fiscally

"No one wants to build the Fiber Optics Line to Nowhere," says Chris Wilson in Slate. High-speed Internet is not available in rural areas because it is prohibitively expensive. Instead of cable, a less expensive means of Internet delivery should be studied, he says.


Federal spending not sustainable

We cannot continue on this budget course without serious consequences, says David Leonhardt in The New York Times. The notion that we have a choice between reducing services and raising taxes is a false one, Leonhardt argues. We will need to both cut programs and increase revenues, he says.

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