Friday, March 2, 2012

NSW: New poll show's support for Carr Government failing

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: New poll show's support for Carr Government failing

The NSW Coalition would come close to winning government if an election was held today,
according to a new poll.

The Sun Herald poll was taken in the two days following the announcement of the NSW
Government's extensive changes to property tax laws in the mini-Budget.

The poll showed the coalition had gained six percentage points in support.

Thirty six per cent of people would vote for Labor if an election was held, down from
43.2 per cent at the state election in March last year.

The poll also found the coalition would garner 40 per cent of the primary vote, up
from 34.3 per cent last year. More than half of those polled said the extra
tax on investment property would be bad for the economy, while 70 per cent said the tax
cuts for first home buyers would be a benefit.

The poll also showed health and education are shaping as the biggest concerns at the
next election.

The Taverner poll surveyed 500 people on the Wednesday and Thursday following the mini-Budget.

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