Monday, March 12, 2012

Sections recognized for public relations efforts

AIChE's outstanding local section newsletters and public relations efforts were recognized with awards last month at the Institute's Officers' Conference in New Orleans. The conference brought together nearly 100 local section leaders for four days of interactive workshops and training activities.

Public Relations

AIChE's Akron (Ohio) Local Section captured the Randall D. Sheeline Award for its outstanding public relations efforts. The section went well beyond traditional meetings and newsletters, creating a Web presence; sponsoring several student awards; and developing a variety of outreach activities aimed at the community, elementary school students, and local universities.

Outstanding Newsletters

In addition, four local sections were recognized for their outstanding newsletters. The Marx Isaacs Outstanding Newsletter Awards, which were presented in three categories, are given to encourage clarity in communication, professional presentation, content, innovation, and quality in the Institute's newsletters.

This year's winners were:

Best Small Local Section (300 or fewer members)-Rochester (New York) Local Section

Best Mid-size Local Section (300 to 1,000 members)-Tappan Zee (New York) Local Section

Best Large Local Section (more than 1,000 members)-(tie) Northern California Local Section and Chicago Local Section

The awards were sponsored by AIChE's Public Relations Committee. For more information, contact Heather Jensen, staff associate-awards, in AIChE's Member Activity Group, 212/705-7478, or e-mail awards@

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