Friday, March 2, 2012

Tourism faces losses

Guatemala could lose $100 million in tourism revenue this year as a result of the wave of violence affecting the country, and in particular attacks on U.S. citizens, Tourism Chamber President Bruno Martins told congressmen on April 13, during a discussion of new security measures. Martins said the losses would represent a 45% drop from 1993 tourism revenues of $266 million. Carmen Velasquez, a spokeswoman for the Guatemalan Tourism Institute, said Martins' estimates were pessimistic. "There will probably be losses because of the current situation, but we don't think they will be so serious," Velasquez said. The U.S. State Department has issued a travel warning on Guatemala (see Caribbean UPDATE, May 1994, page 11). Details: U.S. State Department. Tel. 202-647-5255, 24 hours daily.

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